I have been doing a lot of kid stuff this summer. Both Calder and Branwen like to swim. Here they are in their suits. Branwen is a little unhappy in her bikini!!

The Mommy and Me school has field trips. We all wear tie died shirts. Somehow I missed the tie die years – must be just a little too old. I had to make ours because Jef and the kids were in RI. Here we are in our matching outfits at the Long Beach Aquarium.

Isabel and Ryan go to the same school. Calder loves being with them. He was willing to touch the sea stars and anemones, but not the sharks or rays.

The Japanese School had “Watermelon whack”. It is just what it seems. The kids whack a watermelon until it breaks open and then eat it. Calder was proud that he made the first crack. The kids who had gone before him hadn’t made a dent. The teachers saved one kid till last – he was the one who really smacked into it. After the watermelon was broken, they did an art craft. Alec was drafted to help on the painting and stamping. Then we all ate watermelon.