My new front door is a pretty blue and has a large mail slot. This means that when I go on trips, everything can just be shoved into the house.
It leads into a foyer created by installing a closet with shelves on the end to hold Indian pottery.
Some other views
The living room now has display boxes for more pottery.
The main bathroom is now a "guest" bath.
Notice that both toilets come out from the wall. This takes much less space in small areas.
My guest room now has a wall bed.
Knitting books and hedgehogs were in the first boxes available. Notice the desk on the wall bed. When it opens, the desk stays parallel to the floor, so nothing needs to be moved
I have lots of new gates.
A new hearth.
And, maybe best of all, I now have HEAT and air conditioning.
That's all for now, folks.
I am doing jury duty and they are staring to call a panel.