Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Birthday

Another year has bitten the dust. As I age, my birthday celebrations seem to become longer and longer. It now takes me at least a week to celebrate.

Some of the aerobics group visited Patty at her new home in La Quinta. It was after her birthday and before mine – so I think it counts. We had a fabulous time and since Patty was recovering from back surgery she really appreciated out visit.

Sunday of birthday week, we all went to Marie’s for dinner. Marie made steak and Jef made a cake.

Tuesday, the group celebrated with cake (made by Ursula) and champagne.

Wednesday, Marie took me out to lunch at a Brazilian cafĂ© and then to see “Little Miss Sunshine”. Chuck and I ate at home.

Thursday, we went to Manpuku with Alec, Jef, Calder & Branwen. They gave me a Santa Claus story teller figurine with 2 children. Calder says that they are “Me & Branwen.”

Life is good and I am grateful for every minute of it.

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