The weather is brisk! I’m wearing my fleece jacket under my raincoat, and very comfortable.
We came upon a---Starbucks! Stopped for latte and pastry. We always hope that each new Starbucks will have better pastries – and we are always disappointed.

Because we were very early, we decided to go to Queen Victoria market first. It is much more than a farmer’s market. It is huge and has different sections – fruits & vegetables, meats, fish, deli’s , organic, clothes, ugg boots, (did you know that those were Aussie??) household items, etc. I saw a sign for Tasmanian steak and had to ask. “Its from Tasmania, of course.” It turns out that means that it would be grass fed and not have as much pollution in its diet. We looked over the food stalls, but it was a little early for lunch.
So – off to the Melbourne baths, built in 1903. They have two swimming pools – probably male and female at the time, but now lap and lessons.

Then on to the Old Melbourne Gaol. The purpose was to punish and they did. If you were poor, your chances of going to jail were quite good, and once there, if you broke any rules (talking, whistling, looking crosseyed at the guards, etc.) and your sentence would be extended. One man attacked the warden in the mistaken idea that he would then be able to explain at a trial that he was unjustly imprisoned. Instead they hanged him.

Lunch time – back to the market. We shared two kinds of small open faced savory tarts. See, I told you that there would be pictures of food.
We have had a hard time getting used to where to board the tram. The stops are often in the middle of the road without any protection and not very much room. This is a picture of Chuck waiting for a tram. Notice the white line – that is where the side of the tram will be.

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