Monday, July 02, 2012

Sunday, July 1 Catacombs

Sunday, a lovely day to visit old bones. Unfortunately, we were not the only ones with this idea. We had to stand in a very long line. One of the problems is that only 200 people can be inside at one time, so the line moves slowly.

On the bright side, it was a lovely day and Ford and I chatted amiably while we waited. When he got hungry, we asked the very tattooed couple in front of us where they had bought sandwiches. Ford went to buy a sandwich and drinks and rejoined me in line.

I think the catacombs were a hit. Boys tend to like things like immense stacks of bones with the empty eyeballs looking at you. The whole underground passage is about 2 kilometers. I always forget how far you walk before the first bones, but then they are there in satisfying amounts.

This is really out of focus, but the guard yelled at me for using the flash, so I didn't dare try for another.

Ford is standing next to a column of bones - notice how low the ceiling is.

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