Marchenwald was about an hour outside of Munich. It had rides, climbing structures and dioramas with very grim Grimm's fairy tales.
Putting faces through

Slightly creepy climbing tunnels - Calder took a little convincing.

We never had to wait for more than the current ride to stop,so we were able to go on everything in the park.

Lots of do it yourself rides.

And climbing areas

This was the warthog ride

No one helped the kids get on or off the ride, told them how to sit or determined if the were tall enough, light enough, etc. Parents rode with babies, kids rode together. You climbed on and pulled the rope when you were ready. The hog move out. We watched one older girl hop off her hog and on to her friend's in the middle of the ride. It was really fun. It was at this time that we realized that about five people were running the whole place.

Jef ran the Ladybug ride for a while. The ride kept going as long asa tall person pushed the button. The kids said when they wanted to get off. The mom pushing the button before Jef had a 2 1/2 year old.

Another self controlled ride. You climbed in and fastened the locks, then someone on the outside closed the gate and pushed a button. The kids on the ride pushed a button to make it turn summersaults.

From the dioramas Hansel in the witch's cage and the eviscerated Wolf in Red Riding Hood.
Another fun thing was the giant slides. One ladder and a choice at the top -
big drop, curly, or long straight. Branwen needed an adult, but after the first few times we decided she was OK on her own.
Just as we were leaving, it started to rain, so we were really glad we had a car. I think Branwen was asleep before we pulled out of the parking lot. (which was free)
We all loved our day. Renting the car, paying the admission, having lunch and a snack for 5 people was only slightly more than one person at Disneyland.
Another dinner at the airport with the jet lagged children. Branwen was now awake and didn't fall asleep until 4. Being the grandmother is great! It's not my problem.
BlogPress from my iPad
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