Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Leaving Paris

Off to join up with Jef in Fontainebleau. Jean Paul came to check us out and figure how much I owed for electricity. This was a strange additional fee of nine euros, but since phone calls world wide were free, and we did call the USA for long calls, I didn't mind.

Taxi brick came as promised and took us to the car rental place. It was closed. The guy was across the street having coffee. We have a Peugeot mini van, so there is enough room for all of us and all of our stuff. It has a GPS which is taking some getting used to.

Jef had had a fine visit with her friend Michelle. She lives right outside the grounds of the chateau. When we got there we went out to see the market and then for lunch.

Michelle joined us and the kids had a ride on a newer carrousel - circa 1900.

We walked through the palace gardens to her street.

When driving through small French towns, I have often wondered what was behind those doors that open right on the sidewalk. Now I know.

This is the house. The lowest windows were the laundry room and behind it some storage and her husband's office. The open window above is the dining room.

Up a flight of stairs from the front door.

Turn right into the dining room

This is the entire kitchen. Michelle is cooking on the stove and to her right is a waist high refrigerator with a microwave on top of it.

The living room

The small deck. This their only personal green space, but they really utilize the palace gardens.

Up another flight

Guest room


Study with a convertible sofa

Up more stairs

The master bedroom

Their baby's room

The other side of Alyia's room

Another family came from England for a visit and overlapped our stay one night. All told, Michelle had 8 extra people in her house. I stayed at an Ibis a few blocks away. It was sort of nice to be by myself for a night.

We all went out for pizza for dinner.

We left the next day after lunch. The kids had grilled cheese sandwiches picnic style in the living room and the adults had a chicken pasta and salad in the dining room. Here is Michelle with her husband and daughter.

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