Wednesday, August 21, 2024

8/21 Iceland day one

 Arriving at 6:30 in the morning is never great.  It was raining and grey.  Luckily all of the luggage made the same trip we did.  The taxi into Reykjavik was supposed to take about 40 minutes, but of course we hit the rush hour going to work traffic jam. Our driver was chatty and pointed out items of interest like Costco, which he said is very popular with the natives.  We also saw the steam rising from the Blue Lagoon in the distance.

The hotel recommended a place for breakfast because our rooms would not be ready for several was about a 15 minute walk mostly up hill.  The rain had stopped, but it is VERY COLD AND WINDY.  

The food looked great, but the line was long and we just were not up for that. We found another place and enjoyed a not as nice but quicker breakfast.  I had bagels and loc.  then we browsed some shops (Larry bought a hat because his head was so cold.) we returned to the hotel and our rooms were ready early.  NAP TIME.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear to made the long journey (made longer by your connection time in Detroit) to Iceland. Your hotel room looks like half the size of an American dorm room. At least you have a comfy bed and private bath. The breads and such look delish.