Thursday, August 22, 2024

8/22 Val and Adrienne have arrived

 Our little band is complete. 

We had lunch at the Penis Museum.  We all had Croque Madames for lunch on a penis shaped waffle. It wasn’t the best I have ever had, but was the most different.

We didn’t feel the need to go through the whole place, the entrance hallway and the gift shop  were enough.
Our afternoon continued with exploring the sights
Is this a blockheaded business man?

This was an art piece about the changing of magnetic north???  The people were not part of it.  I thought they were just bat-shit crazy because they were laying around in strange frozen positions, but it turned out that they were a dance group practicing for a performance of positional space.

This was the gallery taken from across a pond with ducks and swans.  It was a pretty area and both Maggi and Adrienne said they could live there.  I reminded them that it was SUMMER and they had LONG JOHNS on!!!

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