Sunday, September 08, 2024

8/29 village visit

 Today we visited the only place with people on the east coast of Greenland.  I can’t tell you the name because it had about 15 letters, none of which made sense to my ear.  Anyway, it had 300 people.  It was a “wet landing” which means when the zodiac comes to the shore, you step out into ankle deep water.  (If you are lucky.  If a wave comes then, it might be deeper. I managed to time it right both coming and going.)

Maggi and I in the zodiac.  Larry loves to take pictures.

An Inuit woman demonstrated how they knit.  From what the leader was saying I thought it was going to be really exotic. Just continental with beads.M

The supermarket had something of everything. Lots and lots of snack foods.  Frozen prepared stuff like pizzas, hardware, clothing, After the first picture, he said no more. We tasted dried musk ox - like over cooked beef.

Maggi with the village behind her.  

The big excitement for the tourists was the man feeding the sled dogs. He threw large chucks of meat at them and they gulped it down.  There were two little puppies that were still with their mothers, those he hand fed.

On the way back to the ship, I was in the front of the zodiac and it was getting rough.  We bounced which did bad things to my back.  I stopped in the medical office and they loaned by a cane with 3 feet.

At the beginning I could barely walk without it.  The problem was that every time the ship rolled, my back would clench to try to keep upright and that set it back again.  The good thing was that I could sit and knit and sleep well and had a good excuse not to go hiking around on uneven rocky or mushy ground.

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