Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nov 5 Really leaving for China

Northwest did better today. Everyone kept apologizing and they were all very helpful. They did keep telling us that we would get more information about our connections when we arrived in Tokyo.

After an uneventful flight, with slightly better than normal airline food, we hit the chaos that was Narita. We were told to go to gates 28, 26 and 22. Since we had hours until our flight, we wandered through the duty-free shops before checking to see which gate we were really supposed to go to. Uh oh, they had moved us to another airline and moved up the flight.

Quick, quick, get on this bus to go to another terminal. When we got to the new terminal, we discovered that we had to take a train to get to the gate. When we got to the gate, we were told that we had to go “downstairs” to check in. By this time there was a little herd of us that had grouped together that were all wandering around trying to find out where to go.

We had to go out of the secured area, check in and then go back through security to get to the gate. I think that we went through 3 checkpoints before we were finally back at the gate. We all made it! It did mean that we arrived in Shanghai several hours earlier than scheduled, which was a good thing, since we were dragging by this time.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express. This hotel has only be open a month. Douglas Wang is heading up the front desk and operations. He had bought our tickets to Hefei, and we had lots of presents for him so it was wonderful to be greeted like old friends as we pulled up.

The bathroom had a really interesting and very novel arrangement. The bathroom door and shower door were one and the same. It was opaque glass and opened 90 degrees. It saved many doors in the construction of a hotel and also conserved space.

We had a bowl of beef udon soup and fell into bed.

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