Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012 Paris day 2

I just realized that this is house #7. I didn't wake up at all during the night so didn't have that "where am I" moment.

This morning we got up at a fairly good time, had showers and breakfast and started our tourist marathon.

We started with the Chateau Vincennes. It is a 12th century fortress chateau that has recently been restored. It is a little older than the Louvre.

There was a fair amount of stair climbing involved.

Ford made us go back to one point, because he thought that we had skipped the upper level. Then we walked to the back gate and encountered another bride.

I also photographed the assistant who was holding her bouquet.

And a very modern one it was.

(just realized that I forgot to post yesterday's bride:

The dress was pretty ugly, but the shoes were worse:

End of backtrack)

We had lunch at the Brasserie ilse St. Louis. It is closed in August, so I have missed it the lasr times I have been here.

I left a bit of Chuck here, because this was a favorite place. Marie made friends with the owners, so we were treated to a glass of champagne. They poured for Ford, too. M & I both had onion tart and the frisée with lardon; Ford had steak and frites.

Bertillion was open ( another rarity) so we each had 2 balls for dessert.

Next on our tourist list was Notre Dame.

The line was really long, but Ford was right, it moved really quickly. The choir was practicing a very modern song. It was interesting to hear it and the organ for a little bit, but it began to sound like the kids banging on the piano at Marie's.

We walked home, stopping at Mike and Stu's to use the facilities. Marie and I went to the market.

We had a very light supper: fois gras, figs and bubbly for M & me, ham sandwich for Ford.

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