Saturday, August 24, 2024

8/24/2024 South Coast Tour

 This going to be a quickie because today was a National Cultural Day and there were fireworks that started at 11, with the best viewing spot being the bar at our hotel.  I had made a reservation for the 5 of us.  Without this we would not have gotten in.

The South coast tour started with the usual 1 1/2 hour drive out of Reykjavik.  We saw 4 different waterfalls and a glacier.  

The best waterfall had a bride getting her picture taken with it in the background.  The photographer was crouching in the stream to get the good shot.

We lucked  out because the sun came out and there was a rainbow in the mist.

The Black Sand beach was really finer volcanic rock. There was a cave and warnings because it has “sneaker waves” that come out of nowhere and can drag you in.

We just bought sandwiches from the supermarket and ate in our rooms since we were going to watch the fireworks.

Maggi and Larry went to the emergency room since he was hobbling badly and Maggi was really worried.  It was just a torn muscle, so they gave him a compression sock and told him to ice and rest. They got back just at the end of the fireworks.

Tomorrow we board the ship, so I don’t know how  the blogging will work.  Be patient.


Anonymous said...

The waterfall is stunning! Added benefit to see a bride being photographed.

Anonymous said...

Your last post was Saturday. It's Wednesday. Is everything ok? I heard about the ice cave collapsing.