Sunday, September 08, 2024

8/26 Education day at sea

 First and foremost we were told that this was NOT a cruise!  It was an “EXPEDITION! Basically what happened was that they had a general plan, then they modified that plan as conditions changed and weather reports came in.  This meant that we really went to where the good weather was. 

We had lessons in how to enter and exit the zodiacs (very carefully holding on to the strong person’s arm at all times) we tried on our parkas (which we will keep) and our boots (which we won’t)

Every stateroom has binoculars. The red things are smaller life vests. (As we were putting these on, crew members stood by to zip and put things over your head and dress you like a toddler.). The red life jackets blow up and a light turns on if they hit the water. Some stupid woman didn’t follow directions when getting back in the zodiac on a “wet landing” and fell in the water so now we all know how they work.

The sea was very rough at night.  Many people were wearing patches behind their ears.  (I still belong to the “cast iron tummy” people and never had a problem.

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