Sunday, September 08, 2024

8/31 - 9/5 more of the same

 The days are following the same pattern.  Larry and Adrienne do the shore expeditions and Val, Maggi and I watch with the binoculars and a drink from the dome.  Everyone is happy.

Great walrus haul out place

Many many many beautiful ice bergs and ice caps. The land here is vey stark but fascinating to see.

There was one hike to see Dino tracks.  (Up a hill, across large rocks - I passed.)

One afternoon we were in a sheltered bay, so it was time for the polar plunge.  65(crazy ) people participated.

Each person had a belt on that was teathered to the crewman who pulled them promptly to the platform.  A couple of young guys had polar bear  suits.
Our new friend Kitty.  This was the second time that she has done this.  She said that she came over to thank me for the cake -but I know that she wanted to brag about doing the plunge.
Maggi, Larry, and I took a tour of the Bridge.  I was posed at the helm with strict instructions not to move it!

There was a little window in the floor on each side so that they could look down to see how close to the dock they were.

Maggi and Larry celebrated their 43rd anniversary on Sept 4.  They were serenaded with Falling in Love With You.  Another chocolate cake was shared.

The second to last night the crew performed. Some were really good, but all were cheered on.  There was a raffle  and an auction.  The auction was really for people who planned to take other excursions.  Adrienne won a  stuffed polar bear in the raffle.
The last night was the Captain’s reception.  He introduced himself and the crew.  Then we had strange blue drinks and munchies.

The last dinner was special too.  I had froi gras to start.
Then Venison steak

Then chocolate soufflé.

After dinner everyone scattered. Our suitcases had to be outside the cabin by 2am and we had to be out of our room by 8.  I think we were all ready to move on.

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