Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day two continued

I'm just going to post without pictures. I will through up the whole lot when I can.

A few minutes later Calder said that he smelled zebra poop so the zoo must be nearby. I smelled poop - but was not identifying a specific animal. The Serbians said that this wasn't anything special, but we really enjoyed ourselves. It was small, but charming, and since in Eastern Europeans feed the animals, the animals are very aware of humans and livelier.
This guy was handing over something that looked like cheese puffs. The elephant loved them.

We saw mountain goats having head butting wars, lion cubs nursing
And tortoises mating.

The face painting only cost $1.50 so both kids had it done.

On the way out we had a photo op with a man on a camel. It reminded us of Chuck.

We went back to our apartment to change for the rehearsal dinner. We were a pretty big group. So we sort of broke up into smaller pods for ordering. We had several pig parts - pig is big here.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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